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(Secondary and Tertiary Care)

A two-year inter-professional e-Learning course designed for healthcare professionals who want to specialise in the field of pain management. Students will develop a critical approach to pain management in the health setting, and integrate knowledge of pain from different areas such as the biological, psychological, sociological and pharmacological sciences.

Key modules:

  • Research, statistics and evidence based practice
  • Biopsychosocial principles in pain management
  • Fundamentals of pain management
  • Patient case study
  • Clinical management
  • Professional issues
  • Dissertation

Opioid Charter

For Mundipharma’s Charter on the responsible medical use of opioid analgesics in pain management click here.

Opioid Safety Statement

“Attention should be given as the use of opioids has a risk of addiction, misuse and abuse. Therefore, appropriate assessment and monitoring is a requirement at initiation, maintenance and tapering down of opioid therapy.”